So I did this project late last year and completely forgot to post it. I found the pictures and thought, hey, girl, get on that. So here you go. A little cookie jar project.

spray painted ceramic cookie jars

We inherited a few things when we bought our house. A green shower mat in the hall bath (that’s still there!!!), a few boxes of Kleenex, and these. I suppose they’re not really cookie jars, but if I used them to store food, guess what I’d put inside? Four cookie flavors. Obviously.

As great as having four cookie varieties constantly stocked sounded, these canisters weren’t exactly my style. They weren’t bad or anything – in fact, they’d probably look great in my mom’s yellow-walled traditional kitchen. But with the stainless steel/black/white/gray of our kitchen? Notsomuch. But I was digging their classic shape. So naturally, spray paint to the rescue.

I cleaned the ceramic canisters and used a glossy paint and primer in one to paint them. Obviously, one coat wasn’t enough. I probably did three or four light coats before I was satisfied. Emphasis on the “light” here – drips are a no-no.

spray painted ceramic cookie jars

And that’s all it took. Now I have some glossy white modern-looking canisters in my kitchen. All for the price of a can of spray paint. We don’t actually use these, they’re purely for decorative purposes, but should I decide they need to be on the counter and full of cookies, I’d probably respray them with a tough enamel to prevent scratching. (Strictly on the exterior, of course, because no one needs paint-to-cookie contact.)

spray painted ceramic cookie jars

What have you salvaged with spray paint? Any plans to let that spray can trigger fly now that the weather is warm enough to actually use spray paint outside?

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